Applied Science & Engineering Technology Division

Applied Science & Engineering Technology Division
Mission Statement

The ASET Division is dedicated to providing high-quality technical programs of study and educational opportunities to students seeking entry-level and/or advanced skills and certification that will enable them to enter the workforce directly or to continue their education at a four-year university.


B.S., Michigan State University Engineering Technology (Mechanical Engineering)
B.S., Michigan State University (Electrical Engineering)
M.S.E.E., University of Louisville
Professional Engineer (Michigan)

Contact Information 

(734) 384-4120,, T-125

B.B.A., Baker College
A.A.S. Industrial toolmaker Technology, Owens Community College
A.S.S., Applied Science, Baker College

Contact Information

(734) 384-4114,, T-131

B.S., University of Engineering and Technology (UET)
M.S., West Virginia University
Ph.D., West Virginia University

Contact Information

B.S., Eastern Michigan University
M.S., Eastern Michigan University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4121,, T-141

A.A.S., Washtenaw Community College
B.S., Ferris State University
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate, Eastern Michigan University
AWS Certified Welding Inspector/Educator

Contact Information 

(734) 384-4118,, T-127

B.S., Suleyman Demirel University
M.S., Wayne State University
Ph.D., Wayne State University

Contact Information

(734) 384-4113,, T


Monroe County Community College has partnered with the Monroe County Intermediate School District on a new dual-credit, one-year, two-semester Precision Machining Technology Program through which high school students can earn both high school career technology education credit and 12 college credits. The program will run in the fall of 2023.  The program will cover precision instruments and measurement, equipment setups and operations of machining processes. Lab projects and activities will provide students the opportunity to apply and build upon many skills learned. 

More Information


The Southeast Michigan and Northwest Ohio SOLIDWORKS User Group meeting is here! This is an opportunity for you to network with your colleagues and peers to see how others are using SOLIDWORKS in their workplace. The event is free and open to students, teachers, designers, engineers, employers, and anyone with an interest in SOLIDWORKS.

We will be show casing great presentations along with food and prizes too!





Monroe County Community College has received a $224,906 National Science Foundation Advanced Welder Education grant with the goal of increasing the region’s supply of qualified welders with advanced levels of education who can further research, development and innovation in the field.  The NSF Division of Undergraduate Education award number for the grant is 181078.

The three-year project starts June 1, 2018, and ends May 31, 2021.

By using the funds provided by the NSF grant, MCCC will transition the offering of entry-level welding instruction, known as AWS-QC-10, to area high schools.  While the college will still offer some entry-level welding classes, its focus will be on teaching advanced-level welding standards (AWS-QC-11) and incorporating the latest additions to these standards recently set forth by the American Welding Society.

Partnering with local high school career and technical education instructors to help them implement the entry-level welding (AWS-QC-10) standards at the high schools will help MCCC develop a direct articulation credit pathway so that students can earn up to 10 credits toward MCCC’s welding program while still in high school.

MCCC’s successful NSF grant award was made possible through a partnership with the Monroe County Intermediate School District and support from the 

To begin the process of offering the AWS-QC-10 entry-level welding instruction at area high schools, MCCC will offer an American Welding Society (AWS QC10) Welding Certification Teacher Workshop in August.  

NSF Web page

NSF Grant Flyer

Advanced Michigan Catalyst Grant TrainingThis program provides individuals with the foundational skills for a career in the manufacturing skilled trades or to begin an apprenticeship.  It also offers opportunities for individuals to “stack” credentials.   Successful completion demonstrates that a student has the aptitude for specialized training and success in a professional career in the skilled trades.

The Advance Michigan Catalyst is a $6 million, four-year grant provided by the U.S. Department of Labor to train Michigan workers in robotics and automation.  Participants may be eligible for grant funding for this training.

The Pre-Apprenticeship/Skilled Trades Readiness Program includes four tracks:  the Pre-Apprenticeship Manufacturing Trades Track (noncredit), the Welder Training Certification Track (credit), Robot Operator Track (credit) Robot Technician Track (credit). 

The ASET Division offers the following certification courses: American Welding Society (AWS), Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) and Certified SolidWorks Professional (CSWP). Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certification is coming soon.

The division also offers preparation courses for the following: LEED® Associate Exam and Nondestructive Testing, Visual Testing, Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Testing, and Ultrasonic Testing and Radiographic Testing for American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Level I and Level II Certifications.

MCCC offers a number of transfer programs agreements with four-year colleges and universities.  For more information, go to MCCC’s Transfer Information Center, click on the institution below, or contact the division office or the academic department at the college or university to which you plan to transfer.

Eastern Michigan University

  • Approved technical program associate degrees at MCCC to a bachelor of science in applied technology at EMU
  • Associate degree in construction management technology at MCCC to a bachelor of science in construction management at EMU
  • Associate degree in electronic engineering technology at MCCC to a bachelor of science in electronic engineering technology at EMU
  • Associate degree in product and process technology to a bachelor of science in product design and development at EMU.
  • A “reverse transfer agreement” – a unique process for awarding associate degrees to students who have transferred in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree before completing the requirements for an associate degree at a two-year institution
  • Approved technical program associate degrees at MCCC to a bachelor of science in technology management at EMU

Ferris State University

  • Associate degree in welding engineering technology at MCCC to a bachelor of science degree in welding technology at FSU

Siena Heights University (This program is offered on the MCCC Campus.)

  • At its location on the MCCC campus, Siena Heights University offers a bachelor of applied science degree, which is a career-oriented degree for professionals with allied health, public safety, technical/industrial, and/or specialized occupational backgrounds.
  • Monroe County Community College, ASET and Michigan Technological University - Bachelor of Science Mechanical Engineering Technology

Wayne State University

Visit WSU's Website

MCCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Construction Management Technology to Wayne State University College of Engineering Bachelor of Science (BS) in Construction Management

MCCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Electrical Engineering Technology to Wayne State University College of Engineering Bachelor of Science (BS) in Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology

MCCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Product and Process Technology or Mechanical Engineering Technology to Wayne State University College of Engineering Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mechanical Engineering Technology

MCCC Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Welding Technology to Wayne State University College of Engineering Bachelor of Science (BS) in Welding & Metallurgical Engineering Technology


MCCC offers high school articulation for welding. Please contact the ASET Division for testing material.

MCCC also offers high school direct articulation in:

  • Mechanical design/CAD
  • Construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Automotive engineering
  • Electronics

Division Spotlight: ASET Newsletter

ASET Newsletter: Tech Update Check out the latest issue of Tech Update, the official newsletter of the Applied Science and Engineering Technology Division at Monroe County Community College. The cover story of this issue is the 10th anniversary of the colleges Nuclear Engineering Technology Program.

Current Issue View Archive

Area Spotlight: Martin Dubois

Martin Dubois Martin Dubois is an associate professor of mechanical engineering technology in the division and also teaches in the nuclear engineering technology and nondestructive testing areas. Dubois is a professional engineer and holds a master of science in electrical engineering from the University of Louisville and two bachelor of science degrees from Michigan State University – one in electrical engineering and the other in mechanical engineering. He recently completed the FANUC Certified Education Training Program through FANUC America Corporation, the leading supplier of robots, CNC systems and factory automation. Dubois is now authorized to certify students in cooperation with the FANUC CERT curriculum, including but not limited to FANUC manuals, FANUC student eLearn, and ROBOGUIDE simulation software.

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Nuclear Engineering Technology

Division Contact Information

Parmeshwar 'Peter' Coomar

ASET Division Dean
Phone Icon (734) 384-4209
Building / Office IconT-147

Jennifer St. Charles

Division Coordinator - ASET
Phone Icon (734) 384-4112
Building / Office IconT-149


Fall and Winter Semesters
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Mon - Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

CAD Lab Technician

Fall and Winter Semesters
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Mon - Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Maintenance Technician 

Fall and Winter Semesters
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Summer Semester
Mon - Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.